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Article in Japanese

Case Report

An autopsy case of desmoplastic pleural mesothelioma differentiated from fibrotic pleuritis

Tomoko Koboria  Takeshi Kawanobea  Yuhei Suzukia  Shunsuke Suzukia  Rie Ohtomob  Chiyoko Konoa 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, JR Tokyo General Hospital
bDepartment of Clinical Laboratory, JR Tokyo General Hospital


Desmoplastic pleural mesothelioma is a rare histological type of diffuse pleural mesothelioma with a poor prognosis and distinguishing it from fibrous pleuritis is difficult. In the present case, a 58-year-old man presented to our institution with a three-week history of cough on November 16, 20XX. The patient also presented with right-sided pleural effusion; however, an exact diagnosis could not be determined on pleural fluid examination. Two pleural biopsies obtained using a video-assisted thoracoscopy revealed fibrous pleuritis. A left-sided pleural effusion was also observed seven months after the initial diagnosis. Due to bilateral pleural effusion, the patient experienced worsening respiratory distress and died one year after the initial visit. Although a definitive diagnosis was not made while the patient was alive, a diagnosis of desmoplastic pleural mesothelioma was made at autopsy. Due to the rarity of desmoplastic pleural mesothelioma, only thirteen cases have been reported in Japan. This study discusses a case of desmoplastic pleural mesothelioma and reviews previously published reports.


Desmoplastic pleural mesothelioma  Fibrous pleuritis 

Received 22 Mar 2023 / Accepted 31 Aug 2023

AJRS, 12(6): 343-347, 2023

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