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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of talc pleurodesis-induced foreign body granulomas with lung cancer

Takashi Yamane  Tomoyuki Urata  Junki Terada 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kochi Health Sciences Center


A 52-year-old man with lung adenocarcinoma developed a malignant effusion during first-line chemotherapy and underwent talc pleurodesis. Two months after the pleurodesis, when undergoing second-line chemotherapy, chest computed tomography (CT) revealed that the masses with high attenuation areas were in the thoracic cavity and chest wall, corresponding to the insertion site of the drainage tube. Talc pleurodesis-induced foreign body granulomas were diagnosed through the findings of the skin biopsy. When talc pleurodesis causes a foreign body granuloma, the CT findings showing the presence of a high attenuation area could be useful for differentiating from the cancer.


Pleurodesis  Talc  Foreign body granuloma  High attenuation area 

Received 25 Jun 2022 / Accepted 27 Sep 2022

AJRS, 12(1): 34-37, 2023

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