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Article in Japanese

Original Article

Clinical characteristics and outcomes of sporadic Japanese patients with psittacosis

Takashi Ishiguroa  Yasuo Nakamotoa,c  Miyuki Uedab  Naomi Takatab  Noboru Takayanagia 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Saitama Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center
bDepartment of Radiology, Saitama Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center
cDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Kyorin University Hospital


Many patients with psittacosis were included in a 1988 report. Environmental hygiene has been improving, and substantial antibiotics have been developed when compared with a few decades ago. We retrospectively studied 27 patients with community-acquired Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia treated at our institution. Careful interviews for histories of avian exposure were obtained in 86%. The most causative species were pigeons. Compared with results of a classic study, frequencies of gastrointestinal symptoms and myalgia and arthralgia were low but neurological symptoms were high. Median fever duration from antibiotics administration to cessation of fever was the shortest with tetracyclines (2 days). Tetracyclines appeared to be effective when compared with other antibiotics.


Chlamydia psittaci  Community-acquired pneumonia  Psittacosis  Tetracycline  Outcome 

Received 19 Aug 2022 / Accepted 28 Oct 2022

AJRS, 12(1): 11-18, 2023

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