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日本呼吸器学会英文誌 Respiratory Investigation
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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of tuberculosis of the lungs and cervical lymph node that developed a retropharyngeal abscess due to initial aggravation

Hideto Oshita  Misato Ogata  Asami Inoue  Yuka Sano  Koji Yoshioka  Yasuhiko Ikegami 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Yoshijima Hospital


A 33-year-old woman was started with anti-tuberculosis drugs for left cervical lymph node tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Lung and cervical lesions showed a tendency to improve, and sputum acid-fast bacillus culture was negative. From around 75th day of treatment, a swelling appeared on the posterior wall of the pharynx, and cervical chest computed tomography showed a left retropharyngeal abscess. As she deveoped airway stenosis, puncture drainage was performed. The acid-fast bacillus smear of the puncture fluid was positive, but the acid-fast bacillus culture was negative, and we judged that “dead bacteria” were present. She completed anti-tuberculosis treatment with no recurrence of lung or retropharyngeal abscesses. If a retropharyngeal abscess is found after the start of anti-tuberculosis treatment, the possibility of initial aggravation should be considered.


Pulmonary tuberculosis  Cervical lymph node tuberculosis  Retropharyngeal abscess  Initial aggravation  Dead bacteria 

Received 10 Jun 2022 / Accepted 22 Jul 2022

AJRS, 11(6): 331-334, 2022

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