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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection that manifested as white plaques on the tracheal wall

Kengo Kawamotoa  Atsuhito Hikiishib  Masato Ujia  Satoshi Shiraishia 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Osaka City Juso Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Bellland General Hospital


A 27-year-old woman was hospitalized because of pneumonia. Antibiotic therapy was initiated but was ineffective. We performed bronchoscopy for diagnosis, which showed mucosal swelling and white plaques along the membranous portion of the trachea and main bronchus. Since the Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody level was elevated, we made a definite diagnosis of M. pneumoniae infection, which was the cause of the plaques. A bronchoscopy performed before discharge revealed the disappearance of the mucosal swelling and white plaques. Although the frequency is unknown, M. pneumoniae infection can cause white plaques on the tracheal wall.


Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection (MPI)  White plaque  Bronchoscopy 

Received 16 Mar 2022 / Accepted 16 Jun 2022

AJRS, 11(5): 292-295, 2022

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