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日本呼吸器学会誌 増刊号 学術講演会プログラム 抄録集 全文PDF


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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage triggered by a marathon

Tomoyuki Urataa  Masayo Terasawaa  Takashi Yamanea  Takayuki Nakanob  Taku Okamotob 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Kochi Health Sciences Center
bDepartment of Respiratory Surgery, Kochi Health Sciences Center


After completing a marathon, a 49-year-old man experienced dyspnea and had bloody sputum. The patient was admitted to our hospital after chest radiography revealed infiltrative shadows in the bilateral lung fields and respiratory failure had developed. Computed tomography revealed ground-glass opacities and infiltrative shadows in the bilateral lung fields, which were diagnosed as alveolar hemorrhage by bronchoscopy. The patient did not have vasculitis syndrome or connective tissue disease as a complication. Furthermore, he did not take regular oral medications, his cardiac function was normal, and he was in very good health before the marathon. Therefore, the patient was diagnosed with exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage, which was triggered by excessive exercise. After hospitalization, supplemental oxygen and antibiotics were provided, which resulted in the disappearance of infiltrative shadows in the bilateral lung fields. We report a case of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage, a rare disease in Japan.


Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH)  Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH)  Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) 

Received 21 Jan 2022 / Accepted 31 Mar 2022

AJRS, 11(4): 223-227, 2022

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