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Original Article

Potential of combination therapy with remdesivir, dexamethasone, and baricitinib for patients with moderate II COVID-19

Susumu Noguchi  Kazuki Omichi  Jun Nohara  Manabu Ishitoko  Toshiki Watanabe  Takaya Nakamura 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shiga General Hospital


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread all over the world. Remdesivir, dexamethasone, baricitinib, and neutralizing antibodies have been approved for use in the treatment of this disease in Japan. However, there are still few reports on the efficacy of the combination of the three drugs in treating moderate COVID-19 in clinical practice. Herein, we investigated 38 patients with moderate II COVID-19 who were admitted to our hospital and treated with the triple-drug combination. Of them, 31 could be discharged, while 13 required high-flow oxygen therapy. The median duration of the high-flow oxygen therapy was six days, and the median duration of the oxygen administration was eight days. Some adverse events were observed but were manageable. These results suggest the potential effectiveness of this triple-drug combination for moderate COVID-19.


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)  Remdesivir  Dexamethasone  Baricitinib 

Received 17 Nov 2021 / Accepted 22 Feb 2022

AJRS, 11(3): 129-133, 2022

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