A systemic arterio-pulmonary venous fistula with inflow from the left gastric artery: a case report
Kenya Satoa Kyoko Gochoa Shinya Matsushitaa Miki Takahashia Yoshimasa Inoueb Nobuyuki Hamanakaa
aDepartment of Thoracic Medicine, Saiseikai Yokohamashi tobu Hospital
bDepartment of Thoracic Surgery, Saiseikai Yokohamashi tobu Hospital
We report the case of a 52-year-old woman who was referred to our department due to the detection of a nodule in the lingular division of the left lung on chest computed tomography (CT). A systemic arterio-pulmonary venous fistula with the branch of the left gastric artery as an inflow vessel and pulmonary venous outflow was suspected on contrast-enhanced CT. Angiography was performed, which indicated inflow from the left gastric artery. Partial resection of the lingular division of the left lung was performed. Perioperative findings included cord-like structures that appeared to be inflowing blood vessels in the adipose tissue on the diaphragm side of the left thoracic cavity. Herein, we report a case of systemic arterio-pulmonary venous fistula arising from the left gastric artery, which is a rare condition with unclear pathophysiology and prognosis.
Systemic arterio-pulmonary venous fistula (SAPVF) Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM) Left gastric artery Tuberculous pleurisy
Received 21 Jul 2021 / Accepted 7 Dec 2021
AJRS, 11(2): 122-126, 2022