Article in Japanese
A case of pancreaticopleural fistula detected due to black pleural effusion
Arata Sugitani Noriko Takeda Tamaki Kawamoto
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Higashisumiyoshi Morimoto Hospital
A 46-year-old man was admitted with dyspnea and back pain. He had a past history of chronic alcohol-related acute pancreatitis. Whole-body computed tomography scan revealed massive left black pleural effusion and a tubular structure from the thoracic cavity to the cystic lesion on the dorsal side of the pancreatic body. The pleural fluid revealed high amylase levels and no malignant cells. From these examinations, he was diagnosed with pancreaticopleural fistula with pancreatic pleural effusion and pancreatic pseudocyst associated with chronic alcohol-related pancreatitis. Chest tube drainage and endoscopic pancreatic drainage were performed, and thereafter he was discharged uneventfully.
Pancreatic pseudocyst Pancreatic pleural effusion Pancreaticopleural fistula
Received 27 Aug 2021 / Accepted 10 Dec 2021
AJRS, 11(2): 109-112, 2022