Article in Japanese
Clinical analysis of post-infectious organizing pneumonia
Yasutaka Onishia,* Tetsuji Kawamuraa Takanori Higashinob Ryota Kominamia Masaki Takenouchia Yoshihiro Seria Takayuki Inoa Hiroaki Tsukamotoa Shin Sasakia Yasuharu Nakaharaa
aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, National Organization Himeji Medical Center
bDepartment of Radiology, National Organization Himeji Medical Center
*New address: Department of Internal Medicine, Joyo Ejiri Hosptal (from April 2022)
Post-infectious organizing pneumonia (OP) is a clinical condition sometimes encountered in daily practice. However, there is scarce literature on the clinical features and steroid treatment. Of the post-infectious OP cases diagnosed at our hospital between November 2010 and November 2020, we compared 11 cases treated with corticosteroids (steroid group) and 11 cases that did not receive steroid treatment (non-steroid group). Although there were more patients in the steroid group who had multiple shadows on chest computed tomography, both groups showed good recovery. It is possible that steroids were administered to the more severe cases. Further studies are needed to determine the indications for steroid therapy for post-infectious OP.
Organizing pneumonia (OP) Post-infectious organizing pneumonia Corticosteroid
Received 28 Oct 2021 / Accepted 11 Jan 2022
AJRS, 11(2): 54-62, 2022