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Article in Japanese

Short Communication

Improvement in clinical training of clinical trainees in Respirology at Chiba University Hospital through learner needs assessment and sharing of training content among instructors

Hajime Kasaia  Hiroshi Tajimaa  Go Saitoa  Masaki Suzukia  Kohei Shikanoa  Aoi Hinoa  Mitsuhiro Abea  Seiichiro Sakaoa  Koichiro Tatsumia  Shoichi Itob  Takuji Suzukia 

aDepartment of Respirology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
bDepartment of Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University


In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of learner needs assessment and the sharing of training content among instructors in improving clinical training for clinical trainees at the Department of Respirology, Chiba University Hospital. Learner needs were assessed through interviews before, during, and at the end of clinical training. The sharing of information on each resident’s training status among instructors was introduced from 2020. Residents answered a questionnaire about their training in 2019 and 2020, and the answers were compared to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. The satisfaction level with clinical training and interest in respiratory medicine were significantly higher in 2020 than in 2019, and the number of items covered and diseases experienced increased. Learner needs assessment by regular interviews and sharing of information on training status among instructors can improve resident satisfaction and training content in clinical training.


Respiratory medicine  Clinical resident training  Clinical trainee 

Received 27 Jul 2021 / Accepted 15 Oct 2021

AJRS, 11(1): 7-10, 2022

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