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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of suspected interstitial lung disease following severe COVID-19, successfully treated with steroid pulse therapy

Chie Yamamotoa  Yoshiki Okumurab,c  Hiroki Yasuharad  Shun Futamuraa  Tasuku Harae 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Fukuchiyama City Hospital
bEmergency Medicine, Fukuchiyama City Hospital
cPediatrics, Fukuchiyama City Hospital
dGeneral Internal Medicine, Fukuchiyama City Hospital
eGastroenterology, Fukuchiyama City Hospital


A 76-year-old man who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 based on his fever became severely ill and required mechanical ventilation management. After various treatments, the patient was extubated and the ventilator withdrawn, but his respiratory condition deteriorated again. His images showed organizing pneumonia and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia-like findings, and when steroid pulse therapy was performed, both respiratory status and imaging findings showed marked improvement. We herein suggest that corticosteroid administration may be effective when respiratory failure persists after COVID-19 and organizing pneumonia-like findings are observed, even with nonspecific interstitial pneumonia-like findings. In that case, it is important to distinguish it from other diseases including secondary infections.


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)  Interstitial lung disease (ILD)  Steroid pulse therapy 

Received 1 Mar 2021 / Accepted 16 Jul 2021

AJRS, 10(5): 432-436, 2021

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