Article in Japanese
Reduction in size of a thrombosed azygos vein aneurysm following preoperative anticoagulation therapy: a case report
Daisuke Morinagaa Noriaki Sukoha Takeshi Hattoria Masaru Amishimaa Naotake Hommab Kanako C. Hatanakac
aDepartment of Pulmonary Medicine, National Hospital Organization, Hokkaido Medical Center
bDepartment of Thoracic Surgery, National Hospital Organization, Hokkaido Medical Center
cDepartment of Surgical Pathology, Hokkaido University Hospital
A 64-year-old woman was found to have an enlarged mediastinum on chest radiography and was referred to our department. One year before the examination, no abnormal shadowing had been found. Contrast-enhanced chest computed tomography (CT) revealed a saccular aneurysm of the azygos vein with a thrombus. We considered surgical resection to be indicated, considering the risk of the patient developing pulmonary embolism. We provided preoperative anticoagulation therapy with rivaroxaban and discovered reduction of not only the thrombus but also the aneurysm. Thereafter, surgery was performed.
We report a case of azygos vein aneurysm with thrombus that developed or increased over the course of one year, in which both the aneurysm and the thrombus diminished with anticoagulant therapy.
Azygos vein aneurysm Azygos vein thrombosis Anticoagulant therapy Rivaroxaban Surgical resection
Received 30 Jul 2020 / Accepted 22 Jan 2021
AJRS, 10(3): 314-317, 2021