Article in Japanese
A case of rib osteosarcoma detected from pleural effusion
Shinji Hirata Yoritake Sakoda Hidenobu Arimura Koji Takakura Masakatsu Ueno Yuichi Mizuta
Department of Respiratory Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital
A 79-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of dyspnea. Right pleural effusion was noted on a chest radiograph. Chest computed tomography revealed a mass on the right chest wall.
An excisional rib biopsy was performed to identify the etiology of the right 9th rib lesion so as to determine if a lesion is malignant or benign. Histopathologic examination revealed the tumors to comprise bone tissue with osteoid, and the final diagnosis was osteosarcoma originating from the rib.
Primary osteosarcoma of the ribs is a relatively rare disease, and while some reports exist, few describe pleural effusion as in this case, so this is considered to be a valuable case. Considering the prognosis and characteristics of such tumors, we recommend prompt diagnosis in cases presenting with pleural effusion
Pleural effusion Osteosarcoma originating from the rib Pro-gastrin-releasing peptide (ProGRP)
Received 6 Sep 2020 / Accepted 12 Jan 2021
AJRS, 10(3): 304-308, 2021