Article in Japanese
A case of transverse myelitis during the course of Mycoplasma pneumonia
Kumiko Niitsumaa Norio Kodakaa Chihiro Nakanoa Takeshi Oshioa Toshiki Fujiokab Hiroto Matsusea
aDivision of Respiratory Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
bDepartment of Neurology, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
A 24-year-old man presented to hospital with complaints of fever and coughing. He was then admitted for treatment with a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia based on blood and chest X-ray findings. After admission, treatment with antibacterial drugs was started, and improvements were seen in the inflammatory findings and on chest X-ray. However, the patient's high fever persisted, and on the fifth day of admission, he experienced diminished sensation and weakness in both legs and had difficulty walking. Findings of myelitis were seen on spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging, and significantly elevated Mycoplasma antibodies of ≥10,240-fold were seen in the blood collected on admission. He was diagnosed with transverse myelitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Steroid pulse therapy was started that day, and the diminished sensation and weakness in the legs improved. There were no apparent sequelae, and he was discharged from hospital.
Mycoplasma pneumonia Transverse myelitis
Received 8 May 2020 / Accepted 18 Jan 2021
AJRS, 10(3): 273-276, 2021