A questionnaire survey on the implementation of appropriate infection control measures during an influenza season
Masato Watanabe Nobuharu Ohshima Hideaki Nagai
Department of Respiratory Diseases, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital
We conducted a questionnaire survey on the implementation of appropriate infection control measures during the 2018/2019 influenza season. It was conducted among 100 patients (collection rate 52%) diagnosed with influenza in our hospital during the season. At the time of diagnosis, 49% of the patients were not taking appropriate measures, which was more common in the elderly and mildly ill patients. Forty-four percent of patients who were aware of the possibility of influenza at the time of their visit were not taking appropriate measures. Because COVID-19, which is spread by the almost same route of infection as influenza, is widespread, it is important to raise awareness of the need for appropriate infection control measures.
Influenza Infection control Questionnaire survey Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Received 5 Dec 2020 / Accepted 26 Jan 2021
AJRS, 10(3): 251-253, 2021