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Article in Japanese

Original Article

Patients' insights regarding inhalers and inhalation instructions

Masataka Matsumoto  Ryouta Doukuni  Haruko Shinke  Kaori Masuda  Kazumi Kaneshiro  Kiyonobu Takatsuki 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kita-harima Medical Center


Some patients are unfamiliar with inhalation procedures or refuse inhalation guidance. Therefore, we investigated how inhalation instructions are given in drug stores and inquired about patients' insights into respiratory diseases and inhalers.
Many patients wanted step-by-step inhalation instructions, every two to three months, from a doctor, for about three minutes. They were concerned about both the effects and side effects rather the inhalation procedure itself. In contrast, we found that 31% of patients were doubtful about the efficacy of the inhaler and found it tolerable to wait for a week to see results. If improvement was not achieved within a week, they tended to interrupt the treatment regimen. In addition, 35% of patients responded that they considered it unnecessary for a drug store to charge for inhalation guidance.


Inhalation instruction  Inhalation procedure  Inhalant  Adherence 

Received 5 Aug 2020 / Accepted 25 Jan 2021

AJRS, 10(3): 219-228, 2021

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