Article in Japanese
Factors affecting ADL performance at discharge in 108 elderly patients with pneumonia in acute care hospitals
Yuichi Murakawaa Nobuki Nankib Shinjiro Miyazakic Tatsuma Horia Miki Naidea Nobuhiro Kanajid
aDepartment of Rehabilitation Technology, Sanuki Municipal Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Sanuki Municipal Hospital
cRehabilitation Center, KKR Takamatsu Hospital
dDepartment of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology, Rheumatology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
We identified factors affecting Barthel index (BI) scores at discharge in 108 elderly patients with pneumonia admitted to acute care hospitals, and examined the cut-off values for each factor. The results showed that factors affecting BI at discharge were significantly associated with the days from hospitalization to the start of oral and enteral feeding (cut-off value: 1.0 days), BI at the start of pulmonary rehabilitation (cut-off value: 50.0 points), and days from hospitalization to the start of walking (cut-off value: 5.0 days). For the treatment of pneumonia in the elderly, non-pharmacological interventions, such as nutritional therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation, as well as drug therapy with antibiotics, are important.
Pneumonia in elderly ADL ability at discharge Days to starting nutrition Pulmonary rehabilitation Days to start of walking
Received 12 Dec 2020 / Accepted 17 Feb 2021
AJRS, 10(3): 212-218, 2021