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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of non-small cell lung cancer with ROS1 rearrangement accompanied by advanced colon cancer treated concurrently with crizotinib and chemotherapy

Mayuko Watasea  Masanori Kajia  Momoko Kuriharaa  Takashi Ohishib,d  Arafumi Maeshimac  Yoshitaka Oyamadaa 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
bDepartment of Surgery, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
cDepartment of Clinical Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
dDepartment of Surgery, Maruyama Memorial General Hospital


The patient was a 47-year-old man whose condition was diagnosed as advanced lung adenocarcinoma with ROS1 rearrangement. He was also found to have sigmoid colon cancer and multiple liver tumors. His pulmonary lesions responded to crizotinib (CRZ), while the liver tumors increased in size. We therefore clinically diagnosed the patient’s condition as liver metastasis from colon cancer. Five months after starting CRZ, cytotoxic chemotherapy for colon cancer was initiated. Adverse effects other than those previously reported for each treatment were not recognized. We report this interesting case because, to the best of our knowledge, there are no reported cases of advanced lung cancer treated with CRZ while the patient also undergoes chemotherapy for metachronous colon.


Double cancer  Non-small cell lung cancer with ROS1 rearrangement  Colon cancer  Crizotinib 

Received 14 Oct 2020 / Accepted 21 Dec 2020

AJRS, 10(2): 134-138, 2021

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