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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of advanced primary lung squamous cell carcinoma harboring EGFR mutation, treated very effectively by chemotherapy combined with an immune checkpoint inhibitor

Hidekazu Matsushima  Hiroki Ohta  Tomohiro Ohba  Hideaki Yamakawa  Keiichi Akasaka  Masako Amano 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Saitama Red Cross Hospital


A 48-year-old male diagnosed with advanced primary lung squamous cell carcinoma harboring EGFR mutation with a high proportion of PD-L1 was assessed for progressive disease 5 months after administration of osimertinib. We treated him with second-line chemotherapy combined with an immune checkpoint inhibitor; multiple pulmonary metastases rapidly disappeared and the primary tumor decreased in size. We considered this case to be very effectively treated by chemotherapy in combination with an immune checkpoint inhibitor. Even in lung cancer cases harboring driver mutations, including EGFR, chemotherapy in combination with an immune checkpoint inhibitor should be considered, especially in cases with high proportions of PD-L1.


Lung cancer  Squamous cell carcinoma  EGFR mutation  Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) 

Received 30 May 2020 / Accepted 1 Sep 2020

AJRS, 10(1): 45-49, 2021

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