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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of mature mediastinal teratoma with pleurisy due to perforation

Chisato Imaizumia  Norio Kodakaa  Chihiro Nakanoa  Takeshi Oshioa  Toshiaki Ooharazekib  Hiroto Matsusea 

aDivision of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
bDepartment of Pathology, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center


A 20-year-old woman with mediastinal enlargement discovered during a routine health check visited a clinic due to fever and right chest pain. Since chest X-ray revealed right pleural effusion, she was referred to our department. Contrast-enhanced chest computed tomography (CT) scan showed a 10 × 9 × 13cm encapsulated tumor in the right thorax that had developed from the anterior mediastinum. The tumor contained lobulated solid parts with fatty components in serous contents. Atelectasis due to the tumor and right pleural effusion were also observed. She was diagnosed with perforation of the mediastinal tumor and pleurisy. After inflammation improved with drainage and antibiotics, mediastinal tumor resection was performed. Pathological examination of the resected tumor exhibited a mature mediastinal teratoma.


Mature mediastinal teratoma  Mediastinal tumor  Rupture to thoracic cavity 

Received 3 Mar 2020 / Accepted 19 Jun 2020

AJRS, 9(5): 330-334, 2020

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