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Article in Japanese

Case Report

An autopsy case of vascular graft infection caused by Aspergillus: a consideration of clinical presentation from a literature review

Haruka Itoa  Masaru Itoa  Yu Harab  Ryohei Takahashia  Yukio Kakutac  Takeshi Kanekob 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Yokohama Rosai Hospital
bDepartment of Pulmonology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine
cDepartment of Pathology, Yokohama Rosai Hospital


A 73-year-old man underwent a vascular graft replacement for a thoracic aortic aneurysm. One year after surgery, bloody sputum appeared along with an increase in blood β-D-glucan and Aspergillus antigen, and chest computed tomography showed enlargement of the infiltrative shadow around the vascular graft and air density along the vascular graft wall. Despite starting antifungal drugs, he died of cerebral hemorrhage and infarction 3 months after admission. Autopsy revealed perforation of the vascular graft and Aspergillus mycelia in the vascular graft lumen, cerebral blood vessels, and subarachnoid space.


Vascular graft  Aspergillus species  Nontuberculous mycobacterial infection 

Received 8 Jul 2019 / Accepted 30 Sep 2019

AJRS, 9(1): 23-27, 2020

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