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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Two cases of successful local control of bleeding caused by a metastatic skin tumor from lung cancer using Mohs' paste

Naoko Kimuraa  Eri Kikuchib  Koji Hashiguchic  Ayako Aokid  Akinori Kanaid  Jun Fujisawae 

aDepartment of Palliative Medicine, Saiseikai Yokohamashi Nanbu Hospital
bDepartment of Nursing, Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital
cDepartment of Pharmacy, Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital
dDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital
eDepartment of Palliative and Supportive Care, Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital


Mohs' paste (MP) is sometimes useful for improving the quality of life of patients experiencing bleeding, exudate, or infection-related bad odor caused by metastatic skin tumors. We report two cases involving bleeding due to a metastatic skin tumor from lung cancer that were controlled using MP. The patients were then treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. There is no similar case report related to lung cancer to date. In cases involving massive bleeding due to metastatic skin tumors, treatment with MP is considered to be a treatment option in the continuing multidisciplinary treatment of lung cancer.


Lung cancer  Metastatic skin tumor  Mohs' paste (MP)  Supportive care 

Received 11 Oct 2018 / Accepted 5 Feb 2019

AJRS, 8(3): 153-157, 2019

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