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Article in Japanese

Diagnostic Imaging

A case of osteosarcoma presenting with multiple calcified pulmonary metastases

Nozomi Miyazonoa  Yoshifumi Matsuurab  Yasuka Harab  Yuuma Adachib 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Fujisawa City Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital


A 53-year-old man was admitted to Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital with multiple pulmonary nodules. He had visited another hospital complaining of chest pain 1 month prior to admission. Computed tomography showed multiple opacities, hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy with calcification, and bilateral pleural effusion. Biopsy of a subcutaneous nodule on the abdomen led to an eventual pathological diagnosis of osteosarcoma and the patient died of respiratory failure 37 days after hospitalization. This was an unusual case of osteosarcoma with multiple calcified pulmonary nodules detected by radiology.


Calcification  Multiple pulmonary metastases  Hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy  Calcified lymph node  Osteosarcoma 

Received 8 Feb 2018 / Accepted 1 Jun 2018

AJRS, 7(5): 357-360, 2018

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