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日本呼吸器学会誌 増刊号 学術講演会プログラム 抄録集 全文PDF


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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Coral broncholith associated with granulomatosis with polyangiitis and tracheobronchomalacia

Mitsuru Imamura  Toshiaki Shimizu  Oh Sasaki  Hiroaki Harada  Makoto Dohi  Kazuhiko Yamamoto 

Department of Allergy and Rheumatology, the University of Tokyo Hospital
Present address: Division of Rheumatology and Allergology, Department of Internal Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine


A 75-year-old woman suffering from granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), under treatment with corticosteroids, was followed up in our hospital. She had a chronic bronchial infection and tracheobronchomalacia. Chest unenhanced computed tomography showed a calcified lesion in the left bronchus and peripheral atelectasis of the left upper lobe. Repeat bronchoscopies over 3 years had shown a “coral” lesion arising from the left second carina, which progressively increased in size. The lesion was finally removed under bronchoscopy. Histology showed nodular hyaline cartilage with peripheral calcification. The diagnosis of a coral broncholith was made. This is the first report of a patient in whom the following coexisted: a broncholith with GPA, a broncholith with tracheobronchomalacia, or GPA with tracheobronchomalacia, respectively.


Coral broncholith  Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)  Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) 

Received 27 Nov 2017 / Accepted 22 May 2018

AJRS, 7(5): 332-337, 2018

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