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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of paraneoplastic neurological syndrome presenting with myelitis and sensory axonal neuropathy

Junichirou Tsuchiyaa  Hisashi Tanakaa  Kageaki Taimaa  Takumi Nakamurab  Shingo Takanashic  Sadatomo Tasakaa 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine
bDepartment of Neurology, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine
cHirosaki University, Health Administration Center


A 73-year-old female was admitted to our hospital due to sudden onset of lower limb weakness and gait disturbance. Chest radiograph revealed a tumor in the left lung, suggesting spinal cord metastasis, but an MRI showed no spinal cord signal abnormalities. After transbronchial biopsy, a diagnosis of small cell lung cancer was made. Neurological examination and a peripheral nerve conduction study indicated paraneoplastic neurological syndrome with myelitis and sensory axonal neuropathy. As the lung tumor regressed after chemoradiotherapy, neurological symptoms improved. Serum anti-CV-2 and anti-SOX-1 antibodies, which were positive before treatment, changed to negative.


Small cell lung cancer  Paraneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS)  Anti-CV-2 antibody  Anti-SOX-1 antibody 

Received 8 Dec 2017 / Accepted 19 Mar 2018

AJRS, 7(4): 212-215, 2018

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