Article in Japanese
Two cases of invasive thymoma revealing endobronchial extension after radiation therapy
Takuma Katano Satoshi Ikeda Kousuke Isomoto Akimasa Sekine Eri Hagiwara Takashi Ogura
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kanagawa Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center
While invasive thymoma commonly invades neighboring structures in the thorax, direct polypoid tumor extension into the bronchus is extremely rare. Herein, we report two cases of invasive thymoma with endobronchial polypoid extension after radiation therapy. Both cases were classified as unresectable Masaoka stage III disease. After a few years of radiation therapy, the tumors showed gradual endobronchial polypoid growth from the peripheral bronchus toward the proximal bronchus, and biopsy revealed recurrent disease. The vulnerability of the tissue of the pleura/lung/peripheral bronchus to the effects of radiation therapy may increase the risk of polypoid tumor extension into the airway. These cases suggest the importance of periodic follow-up after radiation therapy.
Thymoma Endobronchial extension Radiation therapy
Received 14 Sep 2017 / Accepted 26 Dec 2017
AJRS, 7(2): 100-104, 2018