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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Response to nivolumab in a patient with squamous cell lung cancer and poor performance status

Daisuke Jingu  Takehiro Yajima  Satoshi Ubukata  Makoto Shoji  Hiroshi Takahashi  Hiroshi Watanabe 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Saka General Hospital


A 74-year-old man with mutation-negative squamous cell lung carcinoma and carcinomatous pleuritis received chemotherapy at our hospital. At the end of the sixth-line therapy, his performance status (PS) was 3. After two cycles of nivolumab as seventh-line therapy, his PS improved to 1 and the tumor size was significantly reduced. Some patients with poor PS are sensitive to nivolumab, but the factors conferring sensitivity in these patients have still to be determined. Therefore, it is important to accumulate and study additional clinical data.


Nivolumab  Non-small cell lung cancer  Poor performance status  Immune-checkpoint-inhibitor  Immunotherapy 

Received 4 Oct 2016 / Accepted 19 Jun 2017

AJRS, 6(5): 322-326, 2017

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