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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of positive for ALK rearrangement lung adenocarcinoma recurred during administration of alectinib, improving after switching to ceritinib

Kazuyoshi Watanabea  Yuko Wasedaa  Hazuki Takatoa  Hiroki Matsuokaa  Kazuo Kasaharab 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Japan Community Health Care Organization Kanazawa Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa University Hospital


A 61-year-old man was diagnosed positive for anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) rearrangement lung cancer (cT4N2M1a Stage IV) and given platinum combination chemotherapy. Improvement was noted, but tumors subsequently increased. Crizotinib was started, and primary tumors of the lung were reduced, but neutropenia was gradually appeared and worsened. Crizotinib was stopped. The tumors increased, and alectinib was started, but it was ineffective. Alectinib was changed to ceritinib, and a chest CT examination showed remarkable improvement. This case suggests that ceritinib is effective in some patients with ALK-positive adenocarcinoma previously treated with alectinib.


Crizotinib  Alectinib  Ceritinib  Positive for ALK rearrangement lung adenocarcinoma 

Received 10 Feb 2017 / Accepted 25 Apr 2017

AJRS, 6(4): 278-282, 2017

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