Article in Japanese
A case of drug-induced pneumonia caused by edoxaban
Makoto Kawaguchia Seishi Higashia Keiko Kobayashia Osamu Saigusaa Akihiko Tokuraa Yoshihiro Miyashitab
aDepartment of Internal Medicine, Hokuto City Shiokawa Hospital
bDivision of Respiratory Medicine, Yamanashi Prefectural Central Hospital
An 89-year-old woman had been prescribed oral warfarin for deep venous thrombosis. After an episode of cerebral hemorrhage, the warfarin was changed to oral edoxaban in consideration of the bleeding risk, and physical rehabilitation was continued in hospital. Two months later, she presented with a low-grade fever and oxygen desaturation. Her chest X-ray film and high-resolution CT revealed nonsegmental ground-glass opacities and the increase of lymphocyte count was shown in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Based on these findings, we diagnosed drug-induced pneumonia caused by edoxaban. Her respiratory condition and ground-glass opacities on CT improved with steroid pulse therapy. Although edoxaban-induced pneumonia has not been previously reported the possibility of drug-induced lung injury by edoxaban must be kept in mind.
Edoxaban Drug-induced lung injury Interstitial pneumonia
Received 29 Nov 16 / Accepted 10 Apr 2017
AJRS, 6(4): 260-264, 2017