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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of thoracic endometriosis with hemopneumothorax in postpartum period

Daisuke Jingu  Takehiro Yajima  Satoshi Ubukata  Makoto Shoji  Hiroshi Takahashi  Hiroshi Watanabe 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Saka General Hospital


A 36-year-old healthy female, who had undergone a normal delivery 11 days earlier, was admitted to our hospital because of a right chest pain. We diagnosed right hemopneumothorax, and performed video-assisted thoracoscopy. Blueberry spots, endometrial implants, are visualized on a diaphragmatic surface in proximity to diaphragmatic perforations. We performed a biopsy from a blueberry spot and confirmed endometrial stroma. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of hemopneumothorax with thoracic endometriosis syndrome in a postpartum period. This report may be useful for elucidation of the pathogenesis of thoracic endometriosis.


Hemopneumothorax  Thoracic endometriosis  Endometriosis  Catamenial pneumothorax  Postpartum 

Received 14 Mar 2016 / Accepted 12 Jul 2016

AJRS, 5(6): 351-355, 2016

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