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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of sarcoidosis-associated pulmonary hypertension requiring mechanical ventilation

Takaaki Katsuraia  Takeshi Uedaa  Eri Ishidaa  Kiyoshi Ninomiyaa  Sonoko Nagaib 

aDepartment of Emergency and General Medicine, Rakuwakai Marutamachi Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Kyoto Health Care Laboratory Chuo Shinryojo Clinic


A 47-year-old man who had been diagnosed with sarcoidosis at 35 years of age was seen in our hospital because of dyspnea on exertion that had been gradually worsening since a half-year ago. He needed to be intubated for mechanical ventilation. The cause of respiratory failure was thought to be exacerbation of sarcoidosis with pulmonary hypertension. Steroid treatment was markedly effective, and his respiratory failure improved. Respiratory failure of sarcoidosis is relatively rare and scarcely needs mechanical ventilation. This case showed that steroid treatment might be effective even for acute severe respiratory failure if pulmonary fibrosis is not the major cause of pulmonary hypertension, although further research is required.


Sarcoidosis  Respiratory failure  Ventilator  Pulmonary hypertention  Steroid 

Received 5 May 2015 / Accepted 12 Jan 2016

AJRS, 5(3): 145-149, 2016

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