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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of pulmonary complication of ulcerative colitis with parenchymal and respiratory tract lesions in spite of its stable clinical course

Yoichi Dotakea,b  Masashi Bandoa  Naoko Matoa  Yoko Hirakic  Masayuki Nakayamaa  Yukihiko Sugiyamaa 

aDivision of Pulmonary Medicine, Jichi Medical University
bYakushima Nagata Town Clinic
cJapanese Red Cross Musashino Hospital


A 22-year-old woman was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) in 2003 and has been managed successfully with mesalazine treatment. In 2012, she complained of cough with purulent sputum. Chest x-ray revealed bilateral pulmonary infiltrates with cavities. By fiberoptic bronchoscopy, multiple and whitish granular lesions were demonstrated in the bronchial lumen. Thoracoscopic lung biopsy specimens revealed granulomatous lesions along with suppurative bronchiolitis and intraluminal organization. Eventually she was diagnosed as having UC-associated pulmonary lesions. The report of simultaneous development of pulmonary parenchymal and airway lesions in a patient with UC has been very rare.


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)  Ulcerative colitis (UC)  Pulmonary complications  Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) 

Received 30 Sep 2015 / Accepted 2 Feb 2016

AJRS, 5(3): 131-136, 2016

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