Article in Japanese
A case of a testicular germ cell tumor with life-threatening choriocarcinoma syndrome
Seishi Higashi Naoto Huruya Yusuke Sogami Toshiharu Tsutsui Yumiko Kakizaki Yoshihiro Miyashita
Division of Respiratory Medicine, Yamanashi Prefectural Central Hospital
A 25-year-old man presented with back pain, cough, and bloody sputum. Chest X-ray film showed multiple lung nodules. Computed tomography demonstrated multiple lung nodules, a retroperitoneal large mass, multiple liver nodules, and a left scrotal swelling. He was referred to the urology department with a suspected testicular germ cell tumor. Histological findings by high orchiectomy revealed mature teratoma. On day 5, he was complicated by hemoptysis requiring support in the intensive care unit. Because of marked elevation of the serum human chorionic gonadotropin level, he was suspected of having a burned-out tumor and pulmonary hemorrhage associated with choriocarcinoma syndrome. Treatment of BEP therapy (bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin) was not effective, and he died of hemoptysis and sepsis caused by myelosuppression.
Testicular tumor Burned-out tumor Choriocarcinoma syndrome
Received 17 Nov 2015 / Accepted 22 Feb 2016
AJRS, 5(3): 121-125, 2016