Article in Japanese
A case of chronic expanding hematoma of the thorax
Yukiko Takenoa Masahiro Hatab Hisako Kushimaa Mariko Itaib Takehiko Shigenagab Jun-ichi Kadotaa
aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Oita Red Cross Hospital
An 80-year-old female who had been found to have an encapsulated 8-cm diameter round mass in the left lower thoracic cavity four years earlier visited our hospital because of persistent hemosputum. She had a past history of pulmonary tuberculosis at the age of 25. A laboratory examination performed on admission showed anemia, and chest computed tomography revealed an 11-cm diameter growing mass with peripheral calcification that compressed the left lung parenchyma and heart. MRI T2-weighted images of the chest demonstrated a mosaic pattern inside the mass surrounded by a high-intensity marginal layer. Therefore the patient was diagnosed with a chronic expanding hematoma and successfully treated with embolization of the feeding artery followed by surgical removal of the hematoma. A review of the literature reported in Japan showed that most such reported patients had a past history of tuberculosis, with a median duration of onset from all such histories of 38.5 years.
Chronic expanding hematoma Arterial embolization Obsolete pulmonary tuberculosis Removal of hematoma
Received 24 Dec 2014 / Accepted 15 Apr 2015
AJRS, 4(4): 332-335, 2015