Article in Japanese
Sensitivity and specificity of the retention index by dual-time-point PET scan for the detection of lung involvement of sarcoidosis
Minako Saitoa Hirotoshi Matsuia Takashi Hirosea Atsuhisa Tamuraa Shinobu Akagawaa Akira Hebisawab Katsumi Tamurac Ikuko Sakatac Jirou Ishidac Ken Ohtaa
aCenter for Pulmonary Disease, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital
bClinical Laboratory Department, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital
cTokorozawa PET Image Diagnosis Clinic
Most patients with sarcoidosis develop lung involvement, and its disease activity in the lung parenchyma is often critical for making decisions for treatment. Therefore, evaluating lung involvement accurately is of great concern. The purpose of this study was to investigate usefulness of the retention index calculated by dual-time point fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) for the detection of active sarcoidosis lesions in the lung parenchyma in comparison with other imaging techniques: CT scan and standard uptake values at 60 min (SUV60 min). We retrospectively reviewed medical records and imaging of seventeen sarcoidosis patients with FDG-PET before any treatment. Retention index of FDG uptake was calculated as ([SUV at 120 min]-[SUV60 min])×100/SUV60 min. When we determined the threshold of SUV60 min and the retention index for lung parenchymal involvement of sarcoidosis at 0.663, 5.423%, we found that these parameters were as useful as CT findings.
Pulmonary sarcoidosis 18F fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
Received 9 Nov 2014 / Accepted 5 Mar 2015
AJRS, 4(4): 273-277, 2015