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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Acute pulmonary damage after exposure to “a clothes spray for blocking sweat stain and ultraviolet rays”

Naoki Chikuie  Soichiro Ikeda  Takao Kiboshi  Takahiko Nakamura  Isao Goto  Toshiaki Hanafusa 

Department of Internal Medicine (I), Osaka Medical College


A 43-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of dyspnea and dry cough after use of “a clothes spray for blocking sweat stain and ultraviolet rays.” Laboratory findings disclosed leukocytosis of peripheral blood and elevated CRP. Chest computed tomography (CT) showed diffuse ground-glass opacities in bilateral lung fields. She was diagnosed as having acute pulmonary damage resulting from inhalation of the spray. She was administered a steroid. After these therapies, her symptoms and CT findings improved. Although ingredients of the spray included a water-repellent agent, a waterproofing effect had not been disclosed as the efficacy of the spray. Furthermore, the spray did not meet the safety requirements of waterproofing spray. We need to consider acute pulmonary damage resulting from inhalation of this commercial spray, which does not display a waterproofing effect.


Waterproofing spray  Silicone water repellent  Acute lung damage  Health hazard 

Received 1 Aug 2014 / Accepted 19 Jan 2015

AJRS, 4(3): 257-261, 2015

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