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Article in Japanese

Original Article

Performance of new dry powder inhalers

Gen Tamuraa  Hirokazu Sakaeb  Satoshi Fujinob 

aAirway Institute in Sendai Co., Ltd.
bTokyo Dylec Corp.


We measured the particle size distribution of aerosol and the percentage of aerosolization of Oxis®-Turbuhaler, Onbrez®-Breezhaler, and Relvar®100-Ellipta. Although all devices showed a single peak, the peak particle size of Turbuhaler® was from 2 to 3 μm; that of Breezhale® was from 3 to 4 μm; and that of Ellipta® was approximately 4 μm. Turbuhaler had the highest percentage of aerosolization and Ellipta had the lowest. The quality of Turbuhaler for Oxis was equal to that for Symbicort®. The performance of Ellipta was similar to that of Diskus®. In the performance, Breezhaler was nearer Ellipta than Turbuhaler.


Turbuhaler®  Breezhaler®  Ellipta®  Particle size distribution of aerosol  Percentage of aerosolization 

Received 19 Jan 2015 / Accepted 19 Feb 2015

AJRS, 4(3): 223-226, 2015

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