Article in Japanese
A case of traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst increasing in size monthly that healed spontaneously after needle aspiration
Yuki Tenjin Kei Muramoto Masafumi Wada Nobumasa Oomura Tatsuyoshi Sakamoto Sadanobu Higuchi
Department of Internal Medicine, Kamiamakusa General Hospital
An 83-year-old man was admitted to our hospital in July 2013 showing an abnormal mass shadow with niveau in the left lower lobe on his chest radiography. He had no clinical symptoms or abnormal findings in his blood test. We performed ultrasonographic-guided needle aspiration as a diagnostic procedure. The cyst fluid was bloody (Hb 8.7 g/dl, Ht 33.1%), suggesting hemothorax. We considered the possibility of traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst caused by a motorbike traffic accident he experienced in April 2012. Series of his chest radiographies showed that the cyst size had increased monthly. A traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst is considered as a rare lung complication of a blunt chest trauma. We discussed the pathogenesis and healing mechanism in this case.
Traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst Blunt chest trauma Rib fracture Chest computed tomography
Received 20 Sep 2013 / Accepted 6 Mar 2014
AJRS, 3(4): 603-606, 2014