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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Rapid progression of intractable sarcoidosis in a patient with large cystic lesions and marked pulmonary hypertension

Fumiaki Tokiokaa,*  Hwang Moon Heeb  Yasuo Nishizakaa  Ryoichi Amitanic  Tomoko Wakasad 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Osaka Red Cross Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Tenri Hospital
cDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Takamatsu Red Cross Hospital
dDepartment of Pathology, Nara Hospital Kinki University Faculty of Medicine
*Present address: Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kurashiki Central Hospital


A 47-year-old man presented with a chief complaint of dyspnea during exertion. Chest CT showed granular shadows and large cysts in both lungs, and marked pulmonary hypertension was revealed by echocardiography. Cervical lymph node biopsy yielded no diagnosis before his death. Oxygen and steroid therapies failed to relieve his respiratory condition, which showed exacerbation, and the patient died from massive hemoptysis. Autopsy revealed sarcoidosis, considered to have caused the lung lesions and pulmonary hypertension. Clinical images of sarcoidosis are various, and many points have yet to be elucidated. We report rapid progression of intractable sarcoidosis in a patient with large cystic lesions and marked pulmonary hypertension.


Intractable  Sarcoidosis  Pulmonary hypertension  Large cyst  Pulmonary aspergillosis 

Received 28 Oct 2013 / Accepted 26 Mar 2014

AJRS, 3(4): 563-569, 2014

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