Article in Japanese
A case of hot tub lung caused by shower from hot water storage tank
Hiroyoshi Yamauchi Masashi Bando Yu Komatsu Yoko Hiraki Naoko Mato Takakiyo Nakaya Hideaki Yamasawa Yukihiko Sugiyama
Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Jichi Medical University
A 78-year-old man with a chief complaint of productive cough and dyspnea on exertion demonstrated patchy areas of ground-glass attenuation and centrilobular nodules scattered in both lung fields on high-resolution CT. Lung biopsy specimens at bronchoscopy revealed inflammatory cell infiltration to the interstitium around the respiratory bronchiole, and thickened alveolar septa were infiltrated by lymphocytes. Culture of both bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and a shower from a hot water storage tank showed the growth of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). Although hot tub lung cases were reported in Japan, there is no case report of a shower from a hot water storage tank.
Mycobacterium avium complex Hot tub lung
Received 27 Jun 2013 / Accepted 10 Feb 2014
AJRS, 3(4): 525-529, 2014