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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of the right middle lobe atelectasis associated with giant cell arteritis

Katsuyuki Katahiraa,*  Tomotoshi Imanagaa  Aimi Enokizua  Takashi Tachiwadaa  Kaori Katoua  Atsushi Moriwakia 

aSteel Memorial Yahata Hospital
*Present address: Internal Medicine, National Hospital Organization Fukuoka Hospital


A 79-year-old woman showed right middle lobe atelectasis by chest X-ray, and she was admitted to our hospital. There were no malignant signs by bronchoscopy. The atelectasis of the lobe remained after inflammation was improved by treatment with antibiotics. Because lung cancer was highly suspected by findings of FDG-PET, a right middle lobe resection and lymphadenectomy were performed. Pathological findings revealed infiltration of lymphocytes and giant cells around arteries and phagocytosis of vascular walls by giant cells. We diagnosed the right middle lobe atelectasis formed by the pulmonary mass with giant cell arteritis. Thereafter she showed no signs of giant cell arteritis in any other arteries or any other organ dysfunction. Thus we have reported a rare case of right middle lobe atelectasis formed by giant cell arteritis.


Giant cell arteritis (GCA)  Atelectasis of middle lobe 

Received 28 Feb 2013 / Accepted 5 Jun 2013

AJRS, 2(5): 627-632, 2013

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