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Article in Japanese

Topics Series Diffuse Lung Disease

Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis: The diversity of imaging findings

Takashi Oguraa  Atsuhito Nakazawaa  Fumikazu Sakaib 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Kanagawa Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center
bDepartment of Diagnostic Radiology, Saitama International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University


The radiographic features of pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis are characterized by a combination of micronodules and cysts that predominantly involve the upper and middle lung zones. All radiographic abnormalities may regress as a result of smoking cessation. Cystic spaces exhibit bizarre irregular configurations with bilobed or cloverleaf morphologies may result from coalescence of adjacent cysts. Uncommon radiographic features include consolidation, pleural effusion, and a solitary nodule.


Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis  Cyst  Nodule  High-resolution CT (HRCT) 

AJRS, 2(5): 527-535, 2013

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