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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A patient with sarcoidosis who developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and small cell lung cancer

Fumio Kurosakia  Masashi Bandoa  Masayuki Nakayamaa  Hideaki Yamasawaa  Noriyoshi Fukushimab  Yukihiko Sugiyamaa 

aDivision of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University
bDepartment of Diagnostic Pathology, Jichi Medical University


We experienced a 55-year-old female patient with sarcoidosis who developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and small cell lung cancer. She was 33 years old when bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and interstitial pneumonia were noted, and sarcoidosis was diagnosed by transbronchial lung biopsy with ocular involvement. She was monitored without therapy and had no signs of other organ involvement. At the age of 48, she developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She received chemotherapy for about 2 years, and complete remission was achieved. At the age of 55 in October 2009, a nodule was observed on chest X-ray film and chest CT film in the left lower lung field. CT-guided lung biopsy revealed small cell lung cancer. She received chemotherapy, but died 2 years after this diagnosis. Although cases of sarcoidosis coexisting with malignant lymphoma or lung cancer have occasionally been reported, to our knowledge the coexistence of sarcoidosis with both lymphoma and lung cancer, as in this case, is very rare.


Sarcoidosis  Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma  Small cell lung cancer 

Received 2 Dec 2011 / Accepted 5 Mar 2012

AJRS, 1(6): 520-525, 2012

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