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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A fatal case of human T-cell leukemia virus I-associated bronchiole-alveolar disorder showing multiple cysts

Chiyako Oshikataa  Naomi Tsurikisawaa  Takahiro Tsuburaia  Yuko Suzukib  Ayako Horitac  Ikuo Saitoc  Kazuo Akiyamaa 

aDepartment of Allergy and Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Sagamihara National Hospital
bDepartment of Hematology, National Hospital Organization Sagamihara National Hospital
cDepartment of Laboratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization Sagamihara National Hospital


A 79-year-old woman, born in Wakayama Prefecture suffered from heart and respiratory failure. Various sizes of multiple cysts, seen mainly in the bilateral upper lobe of the lung on chest X-ray and high-resolution computed tomography. The size of the cysts rapidly increased after 9 months, and respiratory failure was progressive. An autopsy report showed mild lymphocyte infiltration into the bronchiolar wall, but there were no atypical lymphocytes. She had no monoclonal integration of proviral DNA in the peripheral blood or bone marrow. We showed that a patient with human T-cell leukemia virus I-associated bronchiolitis presented various sizes of multiple cysts in the bilateral upper lobe of the lung.


HTLV-I carrier  HAB/HABA  multiple cyst 

Received 6 Jul 2011 / Accepted 8 Sep 2011

AJRS, 1(1): 78-82, 2012

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