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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of a young foreigner with tuberculosis of the lungs, liver, bile ducts, and lymph nodes who presented with jaundice

Hideto Oshitaa  Norikatsu Numaob  Kensuke Matsudab  Koji Yoshiokaa  Yasuhiko Ikegamia  Naoki Yamaokaa 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Yoshijima Hospital
bDepartment of Gastroenterology, Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Yoshijima Hospital


A 28-year-old Filipino man visited a gastroenterologist with jaundice. Abdominal computed tomography scan revealed low-density intrahepatic areas and dilated intrahepatic bile ducts. Chest imaging revealed infiltrates in the upper lobes of both lungs, and sputum was found to be positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis on polymerase chain reaction test. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography was performed, and a stent was placed for the bile duct stricture. Endoscopic biopsy of the bile duct revealed pathological findings consistent with tuberculosis. This was a rare case in which swallowed M. tuberculosis was thought to have invaded through the bile ducts and caused hepatobiliary tuberculosis.


Obstructive jaundice  Hepatobiliary tuberculosis  Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC)  Foreign-born 

Received 2-May-24 / Accepted 6-Jun-24

AJRS, 13(5): 241-244, 2024

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