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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of KRAS mutation-positive invasive mucus-producing lung adenocarcinoma with high serum CA19-9 levels

Yuki Seikea  Kazuyoshi Watanabea  Task Iwabuchia  Tamami Sakaia  Seiji Yanob 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Japan Community Health Care Organization Kanazawa Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa University Hospital


The patient, a 77-year-old man, was diagnosed with invasive mucus-producing lung adenocarcinoma (cT4N3M1b stage IVA, KRAS G12C positive) and started chemotherapy with carboplatin, pemetrexed, and pembrolizumab. The tumors markedly reduced in size. Pembrolizumab-containing chemotherapy was effective in KRAS mutation-positive invasive mucus-producing lung adenocarcinoma.


Invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma  KRAS G12C  Pembrolizumab 

Received 16-Apr-24 / Accepted 28-Jun-24

AJRS, 13(5): 213-217, 2024

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