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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of secondary infection with Mycobacterium florentinum during treatment for pulmonary M. intracellulare disease

Hideto Oshita  Asami Inoue  Yuka Sano  Koji Yoshioka  Yasuhiko Ikegami  Naoki Yamaoka 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Yoshijima Hospital


An 80-year-old woman was treated with three-drug combination therapy including clarithromycin for about three years for Mycobacterium intracellulare pulmonary disease, but her imaging findings deteriorated. M. florentinum was detected in a lower respiratory tract specimen and sputum, and secondary infection with M. florentinum was suspected. Intravenous amikacin was added, but her imaging findings worsened. Excessive dynamic airway collapse was suspected from the bronchoscopic findings and was considered to be the cause of her difficulty expectorating.


Nontuberculous mycobacteria  Secondary infection  Excessive dynamic airway collapse (EDAC) 

Received 25 Oct 2023 / Accepted 26 Dec 2023

AJRS, 13(2): 69-72, 2024

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