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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of paragonimiasis without pleural effusion or eosinophilia diagnosed by surgical resection in a young non-Japanese woman

Hideto Oshitaa  Takashi Kumadab  Koji Yoshiokaa  Yasuhiko Ikegamia  Eiji Miyaharab  Naoki Yamaokaa 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Yoshijima Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Surgery, Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Yoshijima Hospital


A Chinese woman in her thirties complained of bloody sputum, and chest computed tomography showed a cavity nodule in the upper lobe of the right lung. She did not have pleural effusion or eosinophilia, and the bronchoscopy was non-diagnostic. Because of the residual cavity nodule and persistent bloody sputum, she underwent surgical resection, and histopathologic examination of the resected tissue revealed eggs and granulomatous lesions. Serum antibody titers against Paragonimus westermani and Paragonimus miyazakii were high. Although pleural effusion or eosinophilia are common in paragonimiasis, they do not appear in all cases. When pulmonary and pleural lesions are seen in a person from an area where paragonimiasis is prevalent, paragonimiasis should be considered and a diet history taken.


Paragonimiasis  Thoracoscopic pulmonary resection  Anti-parasite antibody  Non-Japanese  Diet history 

Received 28 Jun 2023 / Accepted 28 Jul 2023

AJRS, 12(6): 339-342, 2023

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