Anti-TIF1-γ antibody-positive dermatomyositis as a tumor-associated syndrome due to worsening lung cancer
Kiyohide Komutaa Satoshi Tanakaa Junji Uchidaa Hiroaki Fushimib Kiyonobu Uenoa
aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Osaka General Medical Center
bDepartment of Pathology, Osaka General Medical Center
A 75-year-old woman was diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma Stage IVA [cT2aN3M1a (PLE)] with EGFR L861Q mutation. She was treated with osimertinib without any significant adverse events. However, 2 years later, she developed anti-TIF1-γ antibody-positive dermatomyositis. Because of a simultaneous recurrence of lung cancer, we considered dermatomyositis to be a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with the worsening of cancer. During the administration of anticancer therapy, the dermatomyositis symptoms persisted. They improved with low doses of steroids. In the diagnosis and treatment of rare conditions, it is important to improve the quality of medical care through close collaboration with other departments.
Lung adenocarcinoma Anti-transcriptional intermediary factor 1-gamma (TIF1-γ) antibody Dermatomyositis Paraneoplastic syndrome
Received 27 Mar 2023 / Accepted 29 May 2023
AJRS, 12(5): 261-264, 2023